

A Return To The Motherland

Australia, the motherland, has a way of wrapping you in its embrace—rough and wild, yet comforting. We spent two months there, while the American summer blazed, we found solace in the Australian winter sun. It had been 3 1/2 years since we last touched its soil. Time, that elusive trickster, had slipped by like sand […]

Get Your Kicks on Route 66

And across the 66 we rode… Hearts full from a great break in Santa Fe. Everyone’s creative juices were flowing. We captured two music videos and were armed with a bunch of really cool looks, perfect for all the music videos we were about to create on our Crazy Hearted Adventure. On our way to […]

Crazy Hearts in Santa Fe

Sorry it’s been a few weeks Crazy Hearts, thank you for all your kind messages and I’m so glad you’re all enjoying the Crazy Hearts adventures so far…it was one wild ride! This week we travel through Route 66. With a new generator in tow, but still the air conditioning was struggling in the excessive […]

Crazy Hearts in Amarillo

When I first travelled to America in 2006 I was 24 and I had the great honor of working with CJ Vanston. He was Joe Cocker’s producer and musical director for his world tour at the time. CJ introduced me to LA and iconic musicians Jeff “the skunk” Baxter, who played with the Doobie Brothers, […]

I Lubbock A Lot

The trip from Marfa to Lubbock TX… Crazy Heart, In my last post, I forgot to mention that we drove out to Valentine to take a look at the Prada store that randomly sits on the side of the freeway, as if it had just fallen from the sky. Really cool experience, so here are […]

Crazy Hearts In Marfa

Marfa, such a beautiful complex beauty. I’m wrestling with what to say about this unique and quirky town.. without going into too much detail, we left town minus all the merchandise money, a passport, a broken RV door, and a blown tyre. This town stole our crazy hearts and injected a flame of intense anxiety. We arrived […]

Lookin’ Back On Luckenbach

A musical baptism. It was a million degrees when we arrived at Luckenbach Texas to join in on a picker’s circle.  A picker’s circle is a group of musicians that get together to play. Their instruments are varied, and I was interested to see different styles and techniques. I taught myself how to play guitar […]

Crazy Hearts In Austin

Austin is the punk rock sister to Nashville in my opinion.  It’s a playground full of great food, creativity, and artists. I understand why people are leaving the other major cities and moving there.  Once we got to the RV park, we headed straight to Barton Springs for a swim. Barton Springs is a natural […]

Crazy Hearts In Houston

“Curiouser and Curiouser” William Blake said, ‘If the sun and moon should ever doubt they would immediately go out.’ There was so much cause for doubt on our Crazy Hearts adventure. The RV problems were getting worse every day and we were concerned for everyone’s safety. We arrived in Houston at 2am and checked into […]


We're On Instagram
Wrote this song today called Casualty. Thought I’d share with you..♥️ Wes.
Love the riff on this one. Check out the full tutorial on YouTube.
I love playing this one acoustic. Play along and watch the full tutorial for my song “Blood Brothers” on YouTube.
Getting to showcase at #AMERICANAFEST is an absolute dream. Hope to see you there!
People’s opinions are always subjective, but one quote that resonates with me is: “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” Each of us has a unique story to tell, and I’m grateful to be able to share mine. I’ve always strived to see beyond the surface and not be confined by formulas. That’s the spirit of the crazy heart.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to record my new album in such an iconic studio. The Abbey Road of America, RCA here in Nashville. We’re taking a fresh approach with 10 music videos for a visual album to be screened at boutique cinemas across America, and I’m excited to share this with you soon. Thank you for being a part of this crazy hearted life.
If it’s worth playing, it’s worth playing loud! Can’t wait for @magnoliaroadsmusic ameRAWKana Fall Hoedown ‘24 at The Underdog on September 21st! 🤘🏼11pm with band. Let’s go.